Unexpected Kiss(1)

Not only they were declared responsible for the shameless act, but the rest of the family also weren't able to digest it too.

Everyone's eyes were wide as saucers as if they heard a shocking statement that made the land beneath them shake.

No, it was impossible for Jennifer and Javier to indulge in something which was beyond their imagination.

For how long do they both know each other to act and be involved in something, that was more than sharing a bed for sleep? 

Jennifer who was calmly sitting on the yoga mat, with her eyes closed, suddenly opened them as if some magical powers were already fitted inside her.

A stiff and distant aura surrounded her from all the side, making others believe she is really affected by her statement. 

"You dare to repeat what you said, Mrs. Shirley Johsons?" Javier asked, whose voice was almost unrecognizable to all of them.