Unexpected Kiss(2)

The kiss didn't last for long, as Jennifer simply pressed her lips against his yet it was already enough for Javier's body to be too stiff and turn rigid.

His mind totally switched off for a few seconds, when his eyes were wide as saucers already. 

With this thought in his heart, his eyes were deeply frozen. The hand in the air with every part of his body malfunctioned and broke down in his head.

He was totally paralyzed in his current position without making a movement of his own. The kiss was not only a surprise but an utter shock and a stunned one. 

At the same time, not only Jennifer and Javier, how are sharing and exchanging the kiss, but also the rest of the people present in the rooms are in deep awe.

They were dumbstruck from head to toe, without processing what exactly was going on in front of him at this point!?!?

What exactly did just this Jennifer do?!!? Did she just kissed Javier in front of Emily?! His fiance?!