Who will end the Kiss?

Hearing this, Emily was fuming at the highest peak of anger, yet it was of no use as Jennifer didn't show any mercy to her.

Dragging her, similarly, she opened the door and Jennifer literally threw her out of the room.

Pushing her a bit, Emily landed herself on the railing. "Ouch!" Her voice of pain was heard but no one stepped on the ashes or helped her either.

Even her dear mother-in-law, Shirley was behind and witnessing how she was treated with mixed emotions. 'I'm sorry.. but I can't let this tarnish my reputation just like you.. in the end, you're not residing here but I'm..'

With this thought in her heart, Shirley wasn't willing to take any kind of risk at this point. Putting her in the same situation as that of Emily, her back was already undergoing sweats, as her imagination ran wilder.

Emily turned around immediately and stared at Jennifer with furious expressions of hers, "Jennifer you're not doing anything good by this."