The lifetime Experience!

"Since you started it...wouldn't it be ended by me now?"

The words were no less than any joke in her eyes but it seems that he wasn't in a mood to joke.

She can sense that his smirk wasn't the usual one, but craving for something more. 

'Did I just land myself in the mess….' if considered rightly then for sure!

If she hadn't taken the risk and the step to come closer to his body and kiss him barley, this wouldn't have resulted in igniting his fires. 

Yet at the thought of kissing his lips, didn't make her feel the crawl under her skin, unlike when Lucas had tried to kiss her without her permission even though he was her named Fiance in everyone's eyes and it was his sole right! 

"Hahaha… you took my actions seriously? You really thought that I was trying to have a kiss?" Jennifer said in order to ease the environment around her, at least a bit unawkward.