Lucas contacted!

The notification showed up on his phone which interrupted his intense moment at this time.

Taking a step back, Javier brought out his phone from his pocket and looked at the notification from his people. 

"Just a minute." With this, he walked around the corner and picked up the call, leaving Jennifer a little bit back. "Hello?"

"Sir, we have something to tell you… we have received an email from another state.." this alerted Javier immediately.

His eyes turned deeper with his aura dropping immensely. 

"Address? Name of the person who sent it?" Javier asked, in the coldest one he could have ever said. 

"It is from Mr. Lucas's address ....looks like an official email id." when the information entered into his ears, he let out a tired sigh.

A frown curved on his forehead when he understood that it might be to negotiate with him at this point too...