He is here!

At the same time, in Johnsons's states airport.

The flight of a certain person landed just a few minutes ago. Doing the necessary formalities, a man walked after all the procedures.

With his bag in his hand and an oversized coat, he looked no less intimating.

Hiding his face under a hat, he lowered his face to type a message to his people via the special stream.

Making his way to the exit of the airport, he was constantly texting on his phone without moving his eyes away from them for a single second.

No one can deny that he was an attractive man, gaining a lot of attention, especially from strangers.

'Why the hell aren't they replying to my message?' He mumbled in between his breath, slow as a turtle to not be heard by anyone else.

A frustrated look shimmered on his face yet with a clam look, he used the local cab system to arrive at his designed hotel.