Javier's stress.

Jennifer spoke what she felt was true and Amaira can't help but believe in it more.

She glared at Jennifer, and stared for a long period, not moving her eye for long. 

"You are smart, aren't you? Are you some kind of therapist?" Amaira can't help but ask in a quite stunned manner. 

Laughing hard, Jennifer's smile widened where she covered her face with her hand, "No, not at all. Just telling from experience and what I have come from. You are holding your past too much which is making our hearts squeeze. Try going out and making some friends, the change in you and your life will be much clearer to see." 

She doesn't know if this was going to be true but it made sense to her.

Not something said to ease her mind but with Amaira could sense that somewhere, she was correct too.

For now, Amaira can sense a long-lost friend in Jennifer, who advised her with a true and warmest heart.