Can I come with you?

Jennifer immediately pulled her hand behind her back and didn't believe her ears at all.

Her eyes widened in shock when disbelief was written all over her face.

"You mean to say Lucas agreed to all of your demands?" She asked to confirm what she heard just now, once again.

"Not all. This is just the starting one." He gave a short reply but it didn't seem to satisfy at all.

Since he started telling about the event, why not just give her a briefer detail?

At last, Javier took a deep breath, "It was the first demand to give back my uncle.. who is in your state for so long, behind the bars. Finally, he is handing him over to us tomorrow."

Jennifer gulped the rest of the saliva in her mouth with fear consoling her.

It wasn't easy to imagine, neither was she ready to believe that someone, like Lucas, will give up on something for a mere girl like her!?