Lost Someone!

In return, he received a negative response from the couple, "No.. not at all. We haven't disclosed it to anyone. Even now, we are quite shocked to learn that you have been able to secure this news, except us."

"Yet, unlike us, you do know about her dynasty.. also about much briefer details. Since you are at least aware of her origin too, I guess we are on the same path." Lucas stated and rested his body a little back.

His comment earned Olivia's gazes when she got alerted in her mind. 'Is he stating that whatever they are saying, is absolutely correct?' How!? Why!?

It was hard to digest as she never expected this outcome from his side.

Was he saying that whatever they are doing and saying is correct!? At this stage, Olivia really wondered if he was actually hearing their words seriously or taking them as a joke like her!?

Passing daggers for her side, she kept her eyes fixed in his direction but he didn't bat an eye to her.