Her scars! (1)

"I..I...lost..someone very dear to me. Not Once, or twice but thrice in my life till now…"

Jennifer was able to mutter these words in between sobs which was already a big shock for Javier to learn.

Never, until now did he expect her to go through such a vital loss, of losing someone closer to her.

Yes, he might have been through that experience too but not more than once.

Recalling his time, he can clearly remember how much the past incidents changed him. 

"Wh...Who..was it? If you are comfortable to say.." Javier made sure to sound assured, though he can feel himself shivering a little bit. 

Jennifer lowered her face, to see her fingers intertwingled with each other and trying to ease her announcements, "First… when I was a child, second, when I was a teen and thirdly...when I was..back in my university days. Life has been never much kinder to me, Javier." 

Her eyes turned red recalling all how much she misses all of them.