Olivia is....

Her way of addressing him made Ellen frown.

With his mouth twisting, nothing stopped him from answering back, "Who are you calling cold-hearted man?! Did I even do something that will make you angry?"

His response surprised him but also to Jennifer and Javier as well.

From where did Ellen start answering back on the small issues? It was already something shocking yet all of them didn't prey much on it.

Javier brought his hand on Ellen's shoulders, whispering in his ears, "Ease out brother. You have to simply handle her for some time.." Ellen's crumbled face indicated that he wasn't interested in anyone, someone like her, any hooligan.

But Javier was strict. Leaving Hannah alone wasn't an option either and the only man whom he could trust with is Ellen.

"She isn't that bad. Try not to come in her bad books and you will be alright. If she tries to hit you... you have better techniques to defend."