Who is your Fiance?!

The weekend arrived very soon, more likely to say, earlier than what Jennifer expected.

As her best friend was now also in the state, she had decided to bring her along with her. 

Today was the day when Javier promised to help her learn horse riding.

For the same, he had planned a picnic which was going to help her go through the different terrains too. Moreover, she won't be alone, as far as she heard.

Taking a look at herself in front of the dressers, she knew that she was already ready for the day. 'Perfect!'

With this thought, she decided to return downwards near her people to see that they have already started keeping things in the trunk of the car. "Are we all ready?"

When she stepped down, what caught her eyes was the faces of some known people whom she was disgusted.

The first who opted to tag along with them was none other than Emily, who was now coming with them on none other than but Shirley's demand.