Not full way!

"Wh...What are you saying!" He can't help but exclaim but on the spot, Jennifer kept her finger on his lips with her wide eyes. "There are people outside.."

"Yes! There are people but.. do you even have any idea what you just said right now?"

His whiter face made her giggle when Jennifer's eyes stared into his intoxicating eye under dim light.

"I know..that is why I said, Javier.. Kiss me now!" Her demand was once again put forward, especially when she was in his embrace only a piece of clothing distancing them, as her grip tightened on his shirt. 

'Oh Gosh..' he had no idea how he had landed on this situation but without further delay, he pressed his lips against her soft ones.

Brushing them softly at first, he slightly licked them with tenderness. Sucking her upper lips at first, he captured her lower lip to start the kiss.