I will steal the ruby!

The huskiness added in his voice not only was heard by Olivia who stood on the door but she felt her hair rising at the back of her shoulders.

Standing nearby the door, Lucas hadn't sensed her presence till yet but her heart was already thudding in her chest. 'No matter how much I try.. he will leave Jennifer....'

A sad look plastered her face but she knew that it was important. 'Doesn't I want the same thing from him?' Since Jennifer can give him power, why is she waiting in line?

Just merely because she wishes to be a second wife of his, that was simpler in the initial stage because she is here to get her hand on the same thing which he wants from Jennifer.

Waiting in the queue for him to take over, she won't mind getting wedded to a divorced man. Especially someone as wonderful as Lucas.

'Not like I would be at any kind of loss by marrying him... hmm, after all, I'm already his mistress..' with this thought, she lifted her eyes to see his back.