I will propose soon!

"When the right time will come.." was what Jennifer answered back with a smile that never faded from her face.

But at the same time, Hannah can't help but slam her forehead with her hand. "You are still not clear about your feelings? Is that right?"

The question was big enough to make her realize the exact meaning but it wasn't how it was deemed.

Shooking her head, they kept on walking on the trail in the fresh air of the morning. The chirpings of the sound were heard, adding more of the silence. Yet it was peaceful.

"It isn't like that Hannah…" Jennifer mumbled in between her breathe to get a reply, "Explain it please then.. if I'm wrong." 

"You aren't wrong. I just feel that telling my emotions to anyone is hard. Rather, I prefer it when I'm comfortable. In my entire life, I have started liking someone.. isn't that amazing?" The glow was evident on her face when she took the name of Javier in her conversations.