You have a fiance!

"Are you out of your mind Jennifer Taylor?"

Her mother called her full name and Jennifer was already alarmed. Her body stiffened at the voice of her mother, making her eyes wide and alarmed already.

"I..I.. just.."

"You have a fiance! For God's sake Jennifer! You have a fiance and just a month or two ago, you were going to marry that man! And now you're telling me on my face that you have someone else!?" 

The anger was quite evident which was hard to ignore. The sound of something resigning from the other side entered into her ears, making her heart skip a beat too.

"I..I.  just.. wanted to say.. like what is.. the possibility of you letting.. will I stay here?" Only if she could express how she felt at this point and the instability that already arose in her heart and mind. 

"You know what I like and don't like. Jennifer.. you're making a big mistake already. Since it's just infatuation, get over it and remember who your ego is."