Your girlfriend?

After she lifted her eyes, what she saw was his worried face. He immediately kept his bag on the nearby couch and came near her.

Bending on his knees, he sat on the floor when he lifted his eyes, stared into hers, finding them a little bit red, "Why are you crying?"

"W-who said that I'm crying! I am not crying!" Jennifer instantly denied his question with her blunt and sharp answer but Javier knew better than her. 

His eyebrows slightly raised he asked, "If you aren't crying then why is your nose so red, and your cheeks already puffed up?"

"The-that must be because…" biting her lower lip, she has no excuse to spare. His sudden arrival already left her blank.

"Stop lying in front of you!? Did someone say anything against you which makes you cry?" In the end, there was no response from her side but an entire clueless expression.