Already seen you!

[Slight mature content! Be careful. you have been already warned before]

"I know you must be missing your family back at home.. but now I'm also your family. I can't just say that I will bring you there to meet them… because that is very hard due to the circumstances."

He took a pause to stare into her eyes as if he was trying to convey hundreds of sentiments through himself.

"But, the least I can do is to ease your longingness for your family… not at the place of parents but at least give you a feeling of home." 

Her heart skipped a beat at his amazing words. He had never been so expressive ever with her. Until now, she is the one who took a major step, either it is marriage, or to consummate their wedding as well.

From confessing to being opened up, she had tried to remove all the barriers between them but he was just too much confined in that zone of his.

But this big step to bring here was enough to prove his loyalty towards her.