My turn

[Contains mature content. Be Alerted *I know you guys will ultimately read it so go ahead* Winks]

With those words leaving his mouth, Jennifer felt almost being lifted off from the ground. He twirled her into his embrace while bringing her near his bed, making her lay.

Coming on top of her, he parted her legs, to put his hands under her dress where it reached towards her thighs. 

Pinching her thigh out slightly made Jennifer moan, as she felt something tickling down from her private area.

"Ouch! Javier…" Her eyes narrowed slightly but that didn't seem to stop him. Without thinking twice, he brought his warm hands towards her private area to rub it out.

"Like it?" His husky voice made Jennifer feel a shiver down her spine. Subconsciously, nodded her head when she felt he caress her pussy with a little bit more pressure, "Javier.."

"Yes, love? You wish me to stop right now?" He was fucking teasing her at this point also!