
"You aren't even kidding, right?" Emily found the need to confirm once she saw that Shirley only smiled confidently.

She can easily put nonsense to make the other person fool out of her and later on deny it. 

But this time, Shirley gave her a firm nod. Just from the lady's body language, she could guess that this wasn't my bluff to create. 

It was the real secret! 

"Shawn's uncle is actually looking forward to having grandchildren! Are you joking about it?! Because I don't think he has such a wish… his children are young!" thinking about giving birth was already nauseating. 

Her figure will be disturbed and even imagining the labor pain was enough to give her goosebumps. Subconsciously, her hands traveled towards her skin to feel the hair already standing.

"I will never joke on this serious corner. Shawn told me this himself." Shirley's eyes swept across the lady.