
The evening came very soon when Jennifer and Javier returned from the place they visited. Emily already left, since she had many things to consider in her mind.

Today's dinner was supposed to be on the dining table since most of the people were free tonight.

Descending the stairs, Javier and Jennifer stepped into the living room to find the rest of the members there. 

Seeing them, Charles stood on his toes before he made his way into their direction.

"Javier.." calling his name, he took a pause and then continued. "I need to talk with you regarding something major."

Nodding his head, Javier attentively listened but Charles didn't say anything. Rather his eyes shifted to see Jennifer beside him. "Mind if we speak.. alone?"

Sensing her presence was creating a bit of discomfort for them, Jennifer was ready to walk to the other side but Javier stopped her via his hand.