Act of Revenge!

Hearing this, her eyes widened. The expressions of dreadfulness were ultimately converted into fearful ones.

What was the man even saying!?! Does he know about her real image and who she is? It made no sense to Olivia yet her heart, which hammered against her chest, stopped beating for the next few minutes.

In return, all Olivia did was stare at the man with her unbelievable eyes as if the ghost had haunted her. The man's hand over her mouth to not let him yell was the most disadvantageous position she can ever face.

Yet this stranger seems to find interest in her expressions, as he said once again, "What happened? shocked by what I said? You aren't as clean as you appear to him.."

"Hmm!! Gh..!? Hmmm!" She to open her mouth but his grip over her lips was enough to not let her speak with a single word.

Neither can she see his face, nor can she yell!