Thief in the house!

Meanwhile back at Lucas's rate.

Olivia was currently resting in her room. Soon, she stood on her toes and took the clothes from the nearby closet, and stepped inside the bathroom, closing the door behind her. She hummed a beautiful song in between her breaths when she took her undergarments out.

Going under the shower, she switched on the water where the warm water started to fall on her entire body as well as hair. 

Massaging her body, after taking a proper bath. Within the next few minutes, she was all good and stepped out of her bathroom and went near her dressing table.

Using her dryer, she was currently drying her hair when she felt a sudden Breeze over her cheeks.

Immediately, her eyes averted to the windows, she saw the curtains flying due to her air. 'I had closed the one.. how come it is opened..' she wasn't sure herself