This is serious!

Sierra's hands went cold on hearing that a call was once again coming, not from Jack but from the unknown number. "No baby… give muma the phone.."

"Oh, here it is, muma.." Ailey passed the phone back to her mother who was currently driving the car. 

To pick the call up, Sierra parked the car in the street parking while sitting inside itself. 

Taking a deep breath, her eyes went straight to the caller as she took a peek. 'The same man…'

Oh god, why was she not surprised yet? Lifting up the call, she didn't utter a single thing by her hand, until the man spoke, "Seems like Mrs. Shen was very much scared? Hmm?"

"Not your business. And mind me, if you are trying to threaten me by my children's name, I will ruin your life! You will rot in the mansion and the cells which are way more deadly than anything…" Sierra's eyes shined with the aloof mist when she spoke in a much lower tone than her usual.