Disclosing secret

Charles's brows never changed when he kept a straight face, "Is that so? What kind of emergency is this?"

"My..life is in danger," Sierra muttered without even meeting his eyes. There was a tinge of sadness. But more than that, she was scared. How will he react to her talks?

As expected, he didn't believe her. "You… in danger? Hahaha… who would like to kill an innocent person like you?" Charles' mind can't digest the fact about what she just told him. 

To him, it was a total bluff. 

Sierra lifted her gaze to see his mocking smile that reached his ears, "Why is it hard to believe in my words?"

"Because there shouldn't be any threat around you. Your husband is a businessman, you are working in my brother's company. What kind of threat can linger on your head?" Charles didn't seem to find this usual at all.