
She was all over confused as subconsciously, Veronica got up to realize that there was no piece of his clothing as well. No presence of his made her heart a bit pounded in her chest as she realized something. "Did he just leave like that.." 

Last night, they both had a few good talks to share, where Veronica instantly felt her pain had eased up to the great extent. 

He was a sweet guy, without any ill intentions. In fact, he hadn't brought any vulgarity though. Once she had openly said no to having sex, he never pastured her. 

Moreover, he had given her company for the entire night... 

She remembered the man had slept just beside her. She was damn sure! Removing the blanket, Veronica walked to the washroom to see if he was there but found no sight. Looking everywhere, his jacket was missing already, as well as shoes, to finally confirm her suspicion.