Reason for heartbreak?!

"Obviously," Max answered without trying to act known to her. In front of the other's eyes, they were still strangers whom they met right now. He wasn't interested in giving up the details to anyone about that night even a bit. 

However, Veronica's thoughts wandered around the possibility that, had he told her secret to Tristan yet or not? Her heart told her that he wouldn't have done something so big at least for her sake. 

She was still very much confused but it was not that difficult to trust him. 

When Max noted her expressions, he coughed a bit to gain her attention again, "If you are thinking that I might have told you about your crush on Tristan then..No, you're wrong. I don't reveal things."

Hearing this, Veronica sighed in relief. Her hand was clutching her chest as she looked around her to finally avert her gaze back at Max, "Thank you so much..for keeping it to yourself."