Worst confrontation!

"Hmm...I see. So, what have you guys done yet?" Javier asked while tugging his hand in his pocket. 

His stare was intense, but at the same time, his body was giving some other vibe too. While Ellen and Ryan had to be cautious around him, in the hope that they would not blurt out anything unnecessary which would, in the end, infruite him and put them into a dangerous situation. 

However, with no further opinion that was left in their hands, Ellen had to give the details, "Nothing. Except for not letting him eat for a few days until his health started to detroit. Before, Charles actually thought of doing some physical kind of torture but..." 

"....But his heart came in between, Am I Right?" Javier asked as he already guessed somewhere that his brother might not be able to perform the task, why is it necessary. 

At the end of the day, Shawn Johnson is their father and they are his blood-related children.