Not my father..?

Shawn's eyes widened when he heard Javier's words. It gave him a heartache, which he never felt. For him, it was as if his world was collapsing into pieces. 

"Y-You mean to say that I'm not your father....anymore?" Disbelief was written on his face, to which Javier made the obvious change in his expressions. "You can understand whatever you wish to." 

"H-How can you do this to me?" 

For a slight while, Ellen as well Ryan can see that the mighty and the strong-headed Shawn Johnson had vanished into the thin air. 

At this point, they were seeing another man and that was no one else but a father, who is so heartbroken after his son had told him that he doesn't acknowledge him as his father anymore. 

The sound of the heart-shattering into the pieces can't be heard but the expression was proof of that. Moreover, they weren't fake either, since it was rare for Shawn Johnson to keep aside his ego and actually, have the guts to show his real feelings.