Don't harm Amaira!

"Y-You...are married?" Shawn couldn't relate to whatever Javier said. 

At this point, his wide eyes and the halting breath were proof that he wasn't able to digest whatever he heard. 

In contrast, Javier smiled at Shawn and answered back ."Yes...I'm married to Jennifer. Surprised? You should be'' 

"W-when did this happen?" Shawn was still not able to get that something so it happened under his nose. Wasn't Javier actually engaged in front of his eyes? 

When did he go and marry? And that too officially? It was already making his head go in the circles, where he wasn't in any position but to accept the hard fact that was thrown on his face. 

Meanwhile, Javier kept his head on the back of the chair with the relaxation always surfacing. A giant smile had traced his lips, but this wasn't as sweet as he appeared out to be.