Trusting on wrong person!

The sudden jerk made Olivia finally turn around and face Lucas.

He was fuming in somewhat anger. "I..I..came as your mother called me. Don't get me wrong.." 

"You clearly said that you won't even see my face. So, what is this?" Lucas's brutally honest question made Olivia shake her head. "I didn't come here for you..remember this.." 

Saying this, she turned her face back to look at the fruits in her hand. With the knife in her hand, she started to chop them into small pieces for him. 

But seeing her acting aloof made his heart clutch. However, to avoid all the suspicions, Lucas looked at the other maids and servants present in the kitchen. "You all! Go outside for a few minutes!"

The servants and the maids looked at each other, but they had no order to deny the Young master's order either. Keeping themselves silenced, they walked out of the kitchen, leaving behind only Olivia as well as Lucas.