
Few days have passed and currently, Jennifer was in her house while reading books. She heard a slight knock on her room's door, which made her turn her face to look at the other side, "Jennifer, what are you doing, child?" 

Jenifer glanced in her mother's side, before she moved her eyes again on her book, "Nothing much.I was just going through some major things. What happened? Anything serious?" 

"Nothing serious.I..just came out to check upon you." Jennifer smiled, but there, she noted that her mother was behaving slightly differently. 

It made her eyes turn into a frown, and even more, it made her alarmed. Amelia didn't stay for much longer and quickly closed the door behind her. 

But Jennifer was still not contemptuous with Amelia's behavior either. 

'Why do I feel she is hiding more than being my fake parent?' It made no sense but then, Jennifer got up from her bed to open the door.