'Warning explicit language '
long time bastard!
What are you doing here? asks Cha Eun-woo with a clenched fist.do I need your permission? I am here because I want to and can't you see I am here to meet my traitor bestie the so-called Chris fires back.
you never change, do you? don't hope I am not your friend and when did you get that idea? you disgust me just a mere sight of you! Eunwoo snapped back. these two men were standing face to face, with anger and hatred painted across their faces.
what is happening? Nina stares at them with confusion.
f..c..k! Chris swear as he grabs Cha Eunwoo's collar. are you that great! listen you bastard, you would be nothing without your father's money and guess what you're a piece of shit who goes on sucking peoples life and that's the reason why your mom left you. Chris shouted angrily gripping his collar tighter.
as soon as these words left Chris, like a flashlight, a punch landed across his cheek sending him to the ground. Son of bastard! Eunwoo exclaimed punching him again but Chris was so strong that he regains his posture and punch him back with strong force.
somebody, please help! Nina cried calling out to people to stop the fight. never in her life, she encounters such a horrifying scene though she watches action movies it could never compare with it because movies aren't real.
stop! she shouts but the two doesn't give a damn.
she couldn't watch even more when Eunwoo got multiple hits- mustering up the courage she jumps towards Chris with a beating heart and hit his head with her bag. stop hitting Eunwoo you moron she screams with an eyes-closed smacking Chris face and head.
ouch! stop hitting me, you crazy woman Eunwoo exclaimed winching in pain. surprised by the voice she stops her actions at once and opens her eyes. her mouth dropped not believing what she saw, she was above Cha Eunwoo clutching her bag ready to pounce. I am so sorry she apologise quickly and jump away from him feeling embarrassed from the position they were in.
how? she asks confused because until before she was hitting Chris but ended hitting Eunwoo instead. some dudes separated Chris and Eunwoo while Nina was busy in her business. many students have surrounded the area, some took a video that likely to stream on social media.
the platform where popularity begin!
leave us alone you shitty people! Chris shouted breaking away from those dudes and who the hell are you to hit me? he demanded averting his eyes towards Nina. on hearing this Nina swallowed down her saliva and stares at Eunwoo 'I am nobody 'she replied not revealing herself as her identity is much worse than their combats.
'inside infirmary '
Eunwoo winced as the nurse applied ointment to his injured cheek. looking closer Nina could see blood in Eunwoo's corner lips which were caused by the fight. she handed him an ice pack when the nurse finishes cleaning his wound.
I am fine now you can go to class Eunwoo stated taking the ice pack from her.
she had so many questions in her mind but she knew she couldn't ask because she thought she might violet his personal life.
well, see you she said picking up her bag pack leaving him. she sighs with a heavy heart as soon she's out of the room because she wanted to stay. 'focus' she scolded crunching her nose unable to focus on the lecture. will he be okay? she wondered and became restless as he doesn't seem to have anyone to comfort him.
like the saying" whatever you may face if you have someone who stands by your side then nothing matters" but Eunwoo, he doesn't seem to be in good term with his dad and he's the only child, to sum up the situation he does not have a mom and speak of friends he is seen to be alone always. these thoughts clouded Nina's mind, she excuses herself from the class and searches for him. she rushes back home when she couldn't find Eunwoo.
she chews her fingers anxiously, walks back and forth in their living room when she discovered that he hadn't returned home either. where are you? she asks anxiously as the evening came. she put the food inside Milton hot case for him by
sticking a sticky note on it writing' eat before it gets cold'.
let it be! she mumbled entering her room. for hours she waited for him but he never shows up. I don't even have his phone number! she huffed throwing her hands in the air. forget it, Nina! he won't care she said to herself and why do I care anyway she added.
where the hell are you Eunwoo?
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