
I am sorry! I won't cause you any trouble, Eunwoo apologised to his dad. they were inside his father's car having a conversation after the meeting is over. the head department of the university had meeting inviting the parents of Eunwoo and Chris regarding yesterday incident.

the chancellor was speechless and couldn't believe what he saw. there inside the chamber of the chancellor, sat the owner of SK holdings(one of the most renounce company in Seoul)for some reason the teachers who were present at the meeting were intimidated by Eunwoo's father as well. nevertheless, the meeting went well despite their thoughts. the chancellor was thankful to see such a kind and humble person moreover, Eunwoo's dad requested the teachers to take action according to university law and regulations and not to favour in term of the position.

but no action was taken instead mr. Lee was given warm and special treatment. as for Eunwoo, nothing matters to him except revealing his status because it troubled him greatly. he hates being treated special and hates attention to him this treatment is done for a particular reason and fake. for he wanted people to see him for who he is not for his status.

son, I think it's time to reconcile with Chris. you know, there's nothing good with holding a grudge said mr. lee looking at his son. Eunwoo doesn't speak a word, his head turning towards the car's window staring at the pavement.

hmm sighed mr. Lee, have a good day I'll take my leave now he stated indicating the chauffeur to starts the car. mr. Lee knew that further discussion with his son is useless yet keep his trust in him that he can deal with his matter.

as expected the news spread around the whole university that becomes a hot topic!


Nina gaze was on the sticky notes, huh! he didn't return she mutter taking the paper. ok! let's start cleaning she said clearing her mind putting on her new apron.

she makes a sandwich for breakfast and packs some for lunch. getting ready for class, she picks a line white above knee-length dress, oversize black solid denim jacket and black platform boots for her outfit. God bless me! she had a quick prayer hoping for a good day.

God! look at her, some girls whispered to one another when they saw Nina. it's her one of them exclaimed taking out the phone to confirm the doubt. OMG! it's horrible they gasped when they saw what's on the phone.

why are they looking at me? Nina thought quickening her footstep as those stares increase giving her uneasy feelings. And the murmuring became more instance inside the class.

as Nina became curious she pokes a girl who sat in the front seat who occurs to be the only one not indulge in whispering. the girl turns back fixing her glass, umm do you need something? she asks blinking her eyes.

mind to tell what's happening here? Nina said expecting a quick answer. oh, are you Nina the International student? I am so glad to meet you! can we be friends? she asks with excitement lacing in her voice while adjusting her glasses again.

at this point, Nina badly wanted to roll her eyes but she smiles not wanting to offend her. yes, I am Nina! can you tell me now? sorry! she scratches her hairs and took out her phone. I think this is the reason Nina she said playing the video.

kill me!

no.....! Nina scream inside too embarrassed after she watches the video. I should have skip class if I knew this would happen. what am I gonna do? her face was deep red and cringed at the caption of the video. it says ' alpha's fighting over the queen'.

keep silent! Mimosa their professor yelled with her high pitched voice, within no time all the students stop their business and turned towards the professor.

her eyes trail around the room until, you! 'Nina Kim Korean American ' a queen needs only one king she said flipping her hair. if you know what I meant she includes putting down her index finger. ok now let's begin our class!.

that's not true! Nina felt annoyed and angry with these stupid made-up rumours but she didn't speak a word.

stupid society!


are you ok Nina? Jihyo asks worriedly walking beside her. Jihyo, the spectacle girl whom Nina met inside the class earlier befriended her. Nina nods her head 'I am okay' she replied smiling at her. can we eat out someday? there's a place that serves the best Udon Jihyo change the topic. she was very happy and thankful for befriending someone for the first time and always dream of trying out new things with them since her quiet and shy personality failed to make any.

sure, I was thinking the same Nina replied. thanks to Jihyo she's feeling much better! for the past few weeks, Nina had been alone and somehow she wishes to make new friends, go shopping together, have lunch together and a friend to share thoughts with. she never imagines she would find a friend soon but now she did and she couldn't be happier.

__ _____________

sorry guys for the late update!

I was caught up in some business and it was kind of hard to finish this chapter. thank you so much for coming in and hope you enjoy this chapter and feel free to comment below.
