chapter-10( what is bad luck?)

Sunday '


it's very unlike her, Nina woke up early without any sort of effort, it's kind of surprising for those who knew Nina. yeah her habits!

what's the time?

5:26 am, can't believe that I did it she said between her yawn. let me call Jihyo, she unlocks her phone pattern, press Jihyo's number.


hello, a very lazy voice answers 'Jihyo ' are you still sleeping? wake up! aren't you the one who invited me to church? you're upsetting me!

wait! I was about to wake up and coincidentally, you call me. who says I am skipping church? let's meet at 6:30 the service starts around 7 am so we got time. fine, Nina replied hanging up. what should I wear?

girls problem!

black blazer, beige skirt, white strappy top, black ankle boot and a Bible inside her black handheld bag. despite her short height, she has a butt except for her chest but she is cute tho.


the church service went well, Jihyo introduced Nina to some church members after the service and have chats with them. Nina was overwhelmed by thier warm gesture, hospitality, is this what people called true believer she thought. after the service, some members gather outside the church compound to have a conversation while some leaves.

hey, shortie!

their heads turn towards the voice, you! Nina eyes widen and stumble back from shock when her eyes landed on the person whom she wishes to never meet in life.

long time no see! he said plastering a smirk on his face. blessed Sunday Chris, the pastor jump in. hi Chris! some people who saw Chris greeted him like he's some important person. don't tell me your mama drag you here the pastor added smacking Bible on his head lightly.

Nina gave him a judgemental look standing behind Jihyo's back worried that he might attack her. I am pretty religious than you think he replied casually without any sorts of respect. smack! mom, that's a Bible, not some objects to hit he said whining like a baby.

show some respect young man! his mom responded giving him another smack. thought he may appear like a jerk to some people but to his mom, he's nothing other than an innocent son. what a handsome son you had! some woman who passes them complimented looking at him with awe.


mongrel! Nina spat silently when he winked at her. 'poor mom' she shakes her head feeling pity for her thinking that she's delusional about her son's true colour but at the same time, her inner self tells her not to judge by its cover. while she was battling with her conscience, he walks up to her, gesturing his hand to jihyo to move aside.

shortie tell your hubby Eunwoo to have a blessed Sunday! Chris whispers in Nina's ear taking the opportunity while everyone was busy in conversation.


Nina gape surprise to hear that, how did he? who told him? without a second thought, she blurted out. what are you talking about? me? Eunwoo's wife? that's impossible! where did you get the jokes from? she stammers trying her best to keep herself natural while she is burning inside?

tsk tsk tsk.

your acting sucks! your eyes tell everything and aren't we just finish the sermon right? huh! he grins with victory knowing that he got her leaving her speechless. he's right! she was lying just after church. anyway, see you.

I die!

what am I going to do now? what if he spread it? what will happen to Eunwoo? for crying out loud nobody knows Eunwoo is married, he's damn popular! I am sure I'll be the target that's not happening wait, does Chris know how the marriage happen? I die! Nina was panicking with unwanted thoughts chewing her nails figuring out what step to take to stop this nonsense.

nobody knows this secret, wait! that ajusshi last time I heard him asking Eunwoo about L.A chick. umm, that's right he must be the one but how did he?

it's him, the other Alfa! he doesn't look scary like in the video, he's handsome! Jihyo nudges Nina who was busy in her mess up world trying to find a solution. ah...! he's damn hot! with all that tattoo and piercing, Jihyo said shaking Nina's shoulder with excess excitement.

tell me, what did he say? planning for a date? wow! that's so cool. so sad for the other Alpha, have nothing left but to see you go. umm, his name? uh yes! Eunwoo the handsome prince that's what his fans name him. you know there's a rumour that he's the heir of some company. whatever, I'll always support with whatever you chose Jihyo said nodding with sincerity after all her bickering.


hand on her waist Nina breathe out, what can I say you still don't know what lies behind the story she said to herself dropping the topic. one day my friend just wait for a while she taps jihyo shoulder feeling sorry that she couldn't reveal the truth.


(Cha Eunwoo )

Eunwoo was woken up by a high pitched voice that comes from the next room.

aren't you the one who invited me to church! you're upsetting me she shouts, after a minute of silence; ok see you.


ah! it's hurt! she cries out rubbing her cheek painfully. she landed on the floor on her stomach when she tried to kick away the comb from the bed but unluckily her foot miss the comb leading her to fall instead. you stupid comb she yells throwing it away somewhere. you're ruining my peaceful morning!

Eunwoo runs his hair, what's up with her? it's been a month and never once she woke up this early he thought. she must be crazy! as soon Eunwoo close his eyes -

No! I don't have a dress to wear! noisily she ruffles the hangers trying to find suitable clothes. this will do! I got no time kicking away her sandal she slips away her clothes, got dressed. thud! she closes the door with force making her way out.

I need a soundproof wall he said pulling away from the blanket not able to sleep anymore. with a sigh, he got up from his bed moves towards the bathroom to freshen up.


Welcome back, lovelies!

I would love to know what you feel about this new chapter, feel free to leave a comment. see you in the next chapter bye.