chapter-11( cold noodles, laundry cancelled )


drying his hair with a towel he entered the kitchen with just a towel wrapped loosely around his waist. he opens the refrigerator to find something to cook for breakfast. egg, spinach, milk, potato and a leftover half-eaten cake, you kidding me! she's been meaning to feed me this all this time huh! she really must be crazy.

where did she keep the flour anyway?

ramen! one portion of the cupboard where full of ramen leaving him stunned. just a few days he hasn't touched the kitchen now he has no idea where all the ingredients are. he likes home cook food but the idea of eating together disturb him so most of the time he ate out.

it's not that he hates her, it's that he's not ready to accept the circumstances. everything that happened, he didn't blame her entirely because it's his fault too but still couldn't accept the fact that their parents seal their fate without giving them a chance. at least he hopes she would react as he does but she didn't, she just goes with it.

what if it was a plan after all? he suspected yet again clear his thoughts. That's not happening but if it is he could never forgive her ever. he's sick of betrayal, everything sucks, he could no longer paint a smile on his face, he's done faking it.

moreover, she isn't even his type and the thoughts of happily ever after with her gave him goosebumps. it's not about racism because every person has his/her ideal type and speaking of that she isn't one.

sometimes he wonders what type of girls he's into now. it absurd to admire just one woman in his entire life i.e ' his mom'. the word 'love' became a mystery to him, will he ever love her someday? that's absurd!

he sighs! what is life?

whatever! guess, I've to order food now!



forgive me Jihyo I've urgent work at home, bye see you tomorrow. though she wishes to visit Jihyo's apartment she couldn't do so since she has got piles and piles of clothes for laundry.

all the time Nina always stores her dirty clothes inside the laundry basket instead of washing them at once after a bath or before a bath. and she changes her clothes like a chameleon that produce many more baskets.

begins from Monday till Saturday there are altogether 4 overloaded baskets in her room waiting eagerly for Sunday to finally get baptised.

God, please forgive me for ruining your day she said feeling lazy thinking of those bitches.

I am home!

sniff... sniff food! her nose screams sending a message to her stomach in which responded with a growl at the very instance. she removed her shoe and follow the invisible aroma.

oh! what's going on? the view!

not only does the smell whip her, but the man sitting at the kitchen dining table with just a towel also crushes her. Art! her eyes shamelessly roam around, his muscles flex when he runs his wet locks with his fingers, his adam apple could be seen clearly when he gulps some soda and oh! the 6 packs were easing seen though she was facing his back. shame on her she was eye assaulting him in broad daylight.


do you have something to say? the man cleared his throat when he saw her.

right at the moment, she regains her sense. ah! umm, he! he! it nothing.. you know Sunday is great she spoke unreasonably stammering halfway and rushing inside her room with a face covered with a deep blush almost to the point of generating smoke from hotness.

Geez! Eunwoo covered his chest with a spare towel feeling uneasy. why don't she scream or yell isn't every girl freak out when they saw a half-naked man? her eyes look scary, I should be more careful, women are unpredictable.

splash! God! I want to disappear right away. she splashes water on her face numerous times trying to cool it down. that was too embarrassing! she wanted to hit her head on the wall so hard to crush her memory as her mind keep on replaying that.

oh God! what will he think of me now? he must have thought that I am a pervert. grr! kill me now and I am not hungry anymore.

she came out from her bathroom clutching her hair trying to stop thinking but her brain lost control.


Nina slumped down on her bed pressing her forehead, I'll have to avoid him now hmm, this is her! she always follows this behaviour when something happens. coward! she spat touching her stomach, now my stomach is growling.

1 2 3 4.... 20 she counts a number trying to diverse her hunger as she was shy to go out but fails miserably. Slowly she tips toe and opens her door carefully not to make a sound. holding the door knop tide she tilted her head trying to confirm whether Eunwoo has left or not.

yes! she pumps her fists when the kitchen was empty. quickly she rushes toward the kitchen, climbs on the stool as her height couldn't reach the cupboard. okay! she takes out 5 ramen, this will do for today she said.

she kept the stool away and hurriedly take the electric boiler on the table. as she couldn't take them all in her arms she went to keep the ramen first. she came back for an electric water boiler and a bowl.

phew! she sighs with relief and tugs her locks. but why does it feel like I miss something? she questions pinching her nose trying to figure out what she missed. umm, what is it? chopsticks! she chews her nails as nervousness creeps in. why don't I just use this hand like some Asian? she decides but I don't like cold noodles I wanna eat while it's hot and these fingers of mine won't able to handle the heat.

mastering up her courage she went to war. I really must have elephant skin on my face she thought, my mom was right.

ah huh! got it, she took the chopsticks and instead of going straight to the room she opens the refrigerator to grab some soda. awe this pizza looks delicious, just taking one piece won't be a crime right? don't! some parts of her mind warn her but the temptation was so strong that her mouth automatically bites the pizza as her hand was full.

soon she closes it and turns around her brain burst open. there a few metres from her stood Eunwoo with an empty water bottle. when their eyes met she exploded. feeling too startled by him she drops everything and without a word, she rushes to her room with just one soda and one pair of chopsticks.

weird! Eunwoo picks up the chopstick and some soda cans that were scattered on the ground. gosh! he takes a tissue paper and with that, he collects the slice of pizza from the ground and throws it inside the dustbin. what's wrong with her? he thought filling up his empty bottle.

I'll be even more careful from now on he said.

and yes, as for Nina she didn't come out from her room the whole day and wonderfully she used the technique of some Asian, she used her hand.

sadly, there's no more laundry.

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hello precious!

glad to meet you again, thank you so much for coming here. I apologise for keeping a halt, I was busy with an online class and some other stuff. anyway, I hope you acknowledge me and I will try my best to be active. trust me there will be more existing chapters to come. please feel free to give comments below.
