80. Cross over.

There are times we find ourselves in close to death situations without an escape. Be it accidents, illness or life threatening situations, though often rare.

But in less than two months Nana found herself in such situations more than she could count. After stumbling aimlessly, being hurled around in the black whirlwind for minutes, it finally came to an end. Vanishing in the middle of nowhere, and when Nana opened her eyes again, it was to a dark freezing stretch mass of land covered in ice. 

She felt it on her skin first before seeing it, the little dregs on her that survived the harsh wind did nothing in shielding her against the bone chilling coldness. She had lost her belongings along the way.

Nana doubt if she could actually make it alive in this hell of a place to be able to locate the Red valley demons judging by how hard it would be to simply survive.