82. Coma

After Zeus staggered out of the dungeon that night, he collapsed straight into an endless sleep for days, which had been the second so far after the appearance of the Amaranth.

This began to worry the demons.

If this continue, not only would their heir apparent lose his life, the entire demon realm would descend into chaos. Only a few of them think positively of her to begin with, and now that this had happened, their dislike for her grew even more.

Yes, they don't held the master in favour, but his strength and power is what kept them safe. Kept the dark demons at bay from attacking them. If anything, they aught to be grateful. And if you would ignore his murderous aura and stay as far as possible from him, he isn't that fearsome. 

Although it was a success, sealing the gates minimizes the attack rates, but he had weakened greatly that maintaining his physical features was becoming a hard thing. And would probably be comatose for a while.