Ace's Mother

" Mel, You know I wouldn't be joking on this matter" He sighed.

" Why dad?" She asked, eyebrows raised.

" We have a hockey match on that day. Adam's is going with the Juniors team for a match and you know I can't send the female coach alone with the girls, she just started and this is an important match. And our opponent team as strong as us, it would be a neck-to-neck match!" He said with a frustrated sigh.

" Why are you, frustrated dad? It's nothing new to you!" She said in an encouraging tone.

" Yeah, Mel. But two main players from the team got into an accident yesterday. I have substitutes but I can say, you play better hockey than them!" He said, and yeah Mellina does play hockey well.

" It's okay dad. Maybe I could play in the team, as I am more interested in the match than the graduation" She winked, lighting up the mood.

" Haha, I would be glad if you play!" He ruffled her hair. She hated, others touching her hair.

" Paa! No touching my hair!" She whined like a child making him laugh and ruffle it again.

" Haha, then I will keep doing it. And by the way, I don't think, you work here whenever I see you just sit and read something."

Marie interrupted them with her Latte and his plain coffee.

" Oh, Mr. Shivaraman. I am just glad to have her as a company. And also I don't pay her, so what's the deal." She laughed and joined them. As there were only two other customers.

After few minutes of talk, they decided to go home.

Mellina and Shiv raced back home.


" Ry, you have an invitation to attend as a Guest of honor!" Vivaan said checking Ryan's mails.

" When and where Viv?"

" Next week, the top sports school St.Michaels. It's a graduation ceremony you would have to honor the students!" Vivaan said looked at him.

" What do you think? Should I go?" Ryan asked scrolling his phone.

" Maybe yes. It would be good if you stay away from the city for a day or two. You know it's a quiet town where the school is located. It would be a change for you!" Vivaan said.

" Hmm! Will you be able to come with me?" He asked.

" Ry, we have a business to run. Don't forget. And you are not a child to have me follow wherever you go, neither am I your manager nor assistant to run behind you!" Vivaan said angrily.

" You talk too much!" Ryan complained.

" Am not! I have been sitting here with you just simply for the last two days. Who do you think you are? Your dad has been screwing my head for the past days as the work is moving very slowly!"

" I am sorry! But you know I can't tolerate silence neither you are allowing me to go out!" He said sadly.

" I can understand, but it takes a lot of money and time to clean up the mess you create even after having an assistant, let alone sending you alone. " He shook his head in distraught.

Ryan laughed seeing his reaction.

" You know what? You should visit your sister!"

" No, Viv. It will just stir my feelings!" He nodded negatively.

" It's not fair for her Ry! You visit her once or twice a year. You don't spend time with her. You are spoiling everything you have by stumbling on what you have lost already!" He exclaimed.

" I am not having this conversation, Viv!" He walked to his room.

That's when Vivaan's phone rang.

It was his assistant Aria.

" Yes, Aria?"

" Sir, we have received some applicants for the interview. If you confirm the date we would publish the date of the interview on our website."

" Yeah, I am going through Ryan's schedule. Send me the date on which I am free, we could do the interview," Vivaan replied and opened the tab that was laying beside him.

" Yes, sir. Please check your mail I have sent the schedule and the dates. "

" Okay, I will call you asap!" He ended the call and started his work whereas Ryan was watching an old basketball match.

After some minutes, Vivaan called his assistant to let her know about the date.

" Aria, we will have the office's interview on Tuesday of next week and Ryan's assistant's interview on Friday."

" Okay, sure!" Then after a short conversation about the office, he ended the call.

That's when Ryan's phone rang.

He sighed seeing the caller ID.

" What do you need mom?" He asked in frustration, knowing his mother calls only if there is a problem, and that would definitely be an irritating thing to Ryan.

" Hello to you too, son. And yes I am fine!" She said the words dripped with sarcasm.

" Come on mother. Of course, I know you would be fine, how will you be not? You get whatever want and that too without any struggle. So what's the matter now? I have lots of work to do!" He exclaimed though he had nothing to do.

" Yeah, did you check nstagram? That bitch! How dare she post something like that" The old lady yelled in frustration mixed rage.

" Who and what did they do?" He asked nonchalantly.

" The great Isabella Winters, I don't know what you would do but I want the news to be cleared within two hours, what will my daughter-in-law think if she sees that?" She said angrily.

" Mom, I will look after what it is. But will you stop calling her as your daughter-in-law? You are dreaming about something impossible, by doing this you are gonna hurt many people in the future. I am warning you, now itself!" He said in a warning tone.

" Ace, do whatever you want but she is my daughter-in-law!" She is his mother, right? She warned in the same warning tone.

" You know how much she loves you, she will be hurt..." He interrupted her sentence.

" Let her go die, mother. I don't care!" He ended the call after yelling.