182nd Crush

*Tring~ Tring*

Mellina's phone rang.

It was Sindhu.

" Yeah, sis?" Mellina asked eating her hamburger.

" Where are you guys? I am starting from my office" She said as she entered the elevator.

" Hey, crazy! Did you see your crush today?" Angel yelled at the other, making her move her phone away from her ears.

" No, Angel. I think he was busy!" She released a dramatic sigh.

" We are at Bumpy's burger corner at St. James street!" Mellina said.

" You are still at St. James?"

" Yeah, sis. We thought we could dine here. This place is nice!"

" Okay, then I will take a cab to St. James!"

" Sindhu... Sindhu..." Angel yelled making her go deaf.

" Yeah, Korangu (Monkey) I am listening!"

" Your favorite going to get over if you aren't coming fast!" Angel said her mouth stuffed with snacks.

" I think it will get over before I get a cab and come there!" She sighed dreamily.

" I think I can drop you!" She became startled hearing a voice behind her.

In fear, she dropped her phone.

As she was Vivaan standing there, her hands went to her chest.

" Sorry, for scaring you! I didn't know, that you didn't acknowledge my presence!" He said with a smile.

That killing smile! She thought.

" Hello!" He waved in front of her as she stood like a statue.

" I am sorry, I didn't notice you, sir!" She said with a cheeky smile.

" Here," He gave her phone.

" Thank you!" She said and kept her phone in her ear.

" Angel, I will call you after I reach there!" She ended the call stood silently.

" You look half Indian and you know Tamil?" He asked breaking the silence as they exited the elevator.

" Yeah, my mother is an American, and my father is Indian Tamil! You know Tamil, sir?"

" Why shouldn't I know? I am an Indian too!" He said.

" NO, NO! With your name, I thought you are a north Indian!"

" My mother is Tamil!" He muttered.

" Oh!"

That was all, she felt nervous speaking with him.

" Bye, sir!" She said tried walking away to get a cab.

" Where are you going?" He asked stopping her.

" Sir?"

" You can call me Vivaan!"

She contemplated for a minute.

" Everyone calls me Vivaan, here!" He said with a smile.

" Oh, okay Vivaan. Bye then!" She tried escaping.

The big mouth, crazy outspoken, bold Sindhu Amelia Primrose was nervous around him.

" I thought you heard me?"

" Huh? What?"

" I said I can drop you!" He said his hands into his pant pocket.

They were standing in the car parking.

"No, No! Don't trouble yourself I can go by myself!" She declined.

" I am hurt, you just declined my invitation! You seem new to this place I thought I could help you, after getting your cab when you reach St. James your favorite would have already over!" He said mischievously.

" Sir, but... I don't want to trouble you!" She said slowly.

" Oh, no. It wouldn't be. My best friend is in St. James I am going to pick him up so I can drop you there I insist!" He said.

" Okay! Thank you, sir!"

" It's Vivaan!"

" Thank you, Vivaan!" She smiled nervously.

As he drove she sat in the passenger seat, nervously fiddling her fingers.

She was extremely affected, but he was normal.

He was helping a girl who is new to the place. That's what he thought.

Even she knows his intention still she was nervous.

She didn't know why.

Of course, she had tons of crushes. But they were all celebrity crushes and normal people but he was her boss.

" You are an American resident or you came here for the job?" He asked.

" Umm! I was in India with dad till 15 and after that in America with mom and dad!" She said, she wanted to ask the same question but she was scared to ask.

He answered her unasked question.

" I am here from my 10 years, my family was here for business when I was 18 they returned back but I didn't!" He said.

" Oh!" She said in a small voice.

" What, oh? That's all?" He asked sensing her nervousness.

" I won't bite you, sweetheart!" He said normally.

But it was like a heart stroke to her.

" After you seeing you speak on your phone I can say you are not a quiet person. Don't see me as a boss outside the building, you can treat me like a friend." He said with a smile.

He doesn't behave the same with everyone but he had a soft corner for her.

" It's just, it will take time! You are my boss. SO...." She fiddled with her fingers.

" I can understand! No problem you can always approach me if you need any help!"

" Thank you! That meant lot!" She smiled heartily.

They reached St. James street.

" Thank you!" She said as they walked into the street.

His phone rang.

" Yeah, Ryan. Where are you? I am here!" He said.

" Yeah, I will come there" He ended the call.

" Okay, Sindhu right?"

" Yeah!"

" Okay, see you later!"

" Sure, Thak you once again!"

" My pleasure!"

They parted their ways.

" Usssh!" She left out her breath.

She called Mellina.

" Hey, Mel. Where are you guys? "

" We are at the center of the street standing near the fountain."

" Yeah, I saw the fountain I am coming!"

She walked towards the fountain to find them seated tiredly.

As soon as they saw her, their face brightened.

" Hey, guys! " She said tiredly.

" You know what happened when you were on phone?" She screamed at top of her lungs.

" What happened? Your 182nd crush appeared in front of you?" Angel asked sarcastically.

" Oh, my god! You are a very intelligent Angel! And you know what happened?" She asked pinching Angel's cheek.

" He freaking dropped me!" She screamed again gaining more attention now.

As Angel and Mellina glared at her, she turned to apologize to the people, only to shriek again.

There stood the man with a smirk.