Little heart

He stood there cheekily. There was a wide smirk plastered on his face.

She slapped her palm to her mouth.

Ryan, Mel, and Angel stood there confused.

Something sparked for both Mel and Angel, they snapped their head to face each other.

Ryan was completely oblivious of the things, he didn't know why his friend was standing there with a smirk on his face.

" Wait, you are the 182?" Angel asked.

" No, she means Mr. Vivaan Singh Rajput?" Mellina asked.

His full-blown smile proved that.

" Awww! Our crazy is into a crazy situation!" Angel clapped her hands jumping making. Mellina giggled.

Ryan looked as if they are crazy.

" What is that 182?" Vivaan asked sitting on the fountain stairs.

" Her number of crushes, since last 2 years!" Angel said giggling.

Sindhu stood there embarrassed.

" What's happening here?" Ryan asked totally confused.

" Fools don't understand things!" Mellina muttered making both men turn towards her.

" You! An ordinary very very ordinary player!"

" What?" Vivaan asked amused.

" He is a fool, uncultured, stoic..."

" She is an ordinary player, mannerless..." Both mocked each other at the same time.

" Oh! You are the one?" Vivaan muttered silently.

" How dare you say I am a fool?" He asked in rage.

" Oh, aren't you? You said I am an ordinary player did I react? No, because I don't care what you say, I know what I am! So don't you know who are?" She asked with a smirk.

Ryan and Vivaan were taken aback for a moment, but it was all normal for Sindhu and Angel.

" Okay, okay! Let's leave Mel's matter coming to Sindhu, weren't you saying something?" Angel asked in a playful tone.

" You little devil, dare you!" Angel started to run around the fountain, Sindhu chased scolding her in different languages.

At last, she caught her from behind and twirled her in the air, both were giggling while doing so, even Mel was.

" You guys are carefree, we wish we had a life like you!" Vivaan murmured dreamily.

" It's not like that bro, even we have problems. To says we have lots and lots of things on our plate but we shouldn't stumble on them. Life is given to live, we should live it or we will regret the latter! Feeling for it neither erases our pain nor gives us a solution! " Angel said with a shrug.

" How old are you?"

" 12 !" She said.

" Who taught you all this? "

She pointed towards Mellina, she pointed to Sindhu.

" It's our dad!" Sindhu muttered.

" So what about your crush on me, huh?" Vivaan asked mischievously, resting his palm on his cheek.

" Umm! hhmm!" She stammered.

" Ummhm? What?" Vivaan teased her.

" Hey, stop okay? It's just crush, what? Can't a girl have a crush? I am the first you react this way?" She asked him with a smirk now.

" Good, saw the real you!" Vivaan grinned.

" Hello, bro! You don't need to pay tax for smiling!" Angel said pulling his hoodie's sleeve.

" My favorite would get over, so bye! Girls come let's go!" Sindhu said dragging Mellina.

" Tsk... Tsk... How rude?!" Vivaan said with fake disappointment.

" What do you want now? Come let's go now!" Ryan tried dragging him.

" Ry! let's dine with them!" He said.

" They didn't even invite you, V!" He whined.

His whine was new to them.

" No, Angel invited me. Didn't you Angel?" He winked.

" Yeah, I invited Vivaan bro!"

" See, it wouldn't polite if we decline!" Vivaan said.

He liked them, he found them innocent and sweet.

" V! They are strangers and I am a celeb what if they misuse us?" He asked though he found Angel and Sindhu cute.

His ego would eat him if he dines with Mel.

" Yeah, yeah! We will take his signature by drugging his food and will transfer all his properties to our name!" Mellina said nonchalantly.

" You! With this mouth, you will do everything!" He said not knowing how to answer it.

He may look arrogant and shrewd.

But appearance is deceptive, he has childish character.

He is possessive of his things, his people.

He is afraid to open up to strangers, he is afraid of heartbreak and losing people.

" Oh, come on Ryan! For this sweet Angel!" She clutched his sleeve trying to drag him.

Whereas Vivaan was waiting for an outburst or a warning for calling him, Ryan.

But he didn't! He couldn't!

He felt something!

After so many years, he remembered her.

Little heart! He thought to himself.

She is also dead, he didn't even know her name but they killed the little girl.

Suddenly, he became moody.

Everyone noticed his change, the stiffness in his body.

Only the people know why he is like this.

" Angel, I am sorry! I think we should get going!" Vivaan said.

Angel's face fell.

" No, no! We will eat. Only for Angel!" He said with a smile and ruffled her hair.

She grinned.

" Thank you!" She grinned and jumped on her place.

Ryan lifted her in the air and twirled her.

She enjoyed it. Unlike Mellina, both Sindhu and Angel were extremely extroverts and crazy.

As he left down, she kept her hand on her hips and huffed.

" What happened now? The grumpy old man said he will come with you then why are you huffing?" Mellina asked intentionally agitating him.

Vivaan smiled at this, he knew she is doing it intentionally.

" Because I am small all are twirling me. I freaking 12 years old!" She exclaimed and huffed.

" I saw someone enjoying it a minute ago, did you see the person Mel?" Sindhu asked Mellina teasing her.

" Sindhu, careful! Then I will have to tell the stories of your old crushes to your new crush!" Angel warned making everyone laugh except Sindhu who huffed.

" I'd be glad to hear!" Vivaan teased Sindhu teaming up with Angel.

" You guys are mean, I am going to eat! You little devil named Angel, you have to face the consequences." Sindhu warned her.

" What will you do?" Angel asked raising her eyebrows.