What to buy?

" Muffin!" He called Mel.

And that was enough for Ryan to splash water on him.


Of course, he wouldn't do it in reality.

His image will get spoiled. He sat there gritting his teeth as the three chat among themselves even though they involved him sometimes, he just hated him as he got both the girl's attention without doing anything.

That's when Lorenzo got a call.

" Yeah?...Okay... Yeah, okay I will be there!" Lorenzo ended the call.


Before Mellina could come again, I dragged Angel out of the apartment.

She had the guts to slap me, but then I can't be angry at her because the fault was mine.

" What can I do? I just couldn't control it! "

( So she is the next girl?) Devi asked.

" No! Unquestionably no! It's just that she cares about me even though she denies it I know she does! So it's just I got a protective feeling. It's like that! "

( Like what?) Bakka asked dragging the like.

"Like... The same way I treat Vivaan. Maybe? "

( Maybe you like her? )

"What? * Chuckles* No, I don't have any feelings, what do you think I will fall for an ordinary little girl like her? Ah! Little girl, she is a little girl!"

( So why did you kiss her?) Bakka asked.

" Because... Um! Uh! Ah!... Yeah! She helped me yesterday so I showed my gratitude! "

( No one kisses on the lip for the sake of showing gratitude!) Bakka said sarcastically.

"You know what it's her lips and my lips why do you care so much?"

( Because we are you! You are we, so we have rights on your body parts!) It was Bakka, Devi was always on my side.

Good thing I changed his name to Bakka, he is not an ANGEL!

" Whatever! Just shut up, Angel is blabbering something and I can't hear her!"

( I am not blabbering anything!" Bakka said, Oh no she forgot her name.

" Oh, Bakka! You are really a Bakka, aren't you? Your name is Bakka not Angel remember that?" I smirked.

After that we strolled here and there, Angel was the cliche girl she liked shopping from the morning all she did was SHOPPING!

Like how the hell these girls do shopping? And she is just a 12-year-old kid and she shops like a maniac.

But it was not tiring, the smile on her face made my tired flew away.

I always liked to see people smile.

And at last, the shopping ended. She didn't use my money, she had Sindhu's card with her.

As we were hungry, we decided to go eat something.

And that's when Angel squealed gaining the attention of the people, I was startled what if people recognize me?

But gladly none noticed me!

That asshole Lorenzo is here?

Angel seems excited than Mellina?

And the fact angered me!

Why are these girls so like this?! I groaned mentally.

Then what? I am more handsome than him but this Mellina never have smiled at me like this!

But see there, how she is smiling!


F*ck off! You bastard! I wanted to yell at him but couldn't.

They were ignoring me and talking with him.

That bastard!

When a call interrupted that asshole.

( Will you stop swearing?) Bakka yelled.

Shut up and sleep! I yelled at him and concentrated on that lorry guy.

" What happened?" Mellina asked as he seemed tense.

" I think I hafta go! Remember the Corbett I was speaking about?" The bastard Lorenzo asked.

" Yeah?" Mellina asked concerned.

Concern my foot!

" He met with an accident, so I have to go check on him! You guys, how will you go?" He asked concerned.

Concern my foot!

( Dialogue repeat Tsk... Tsk...) Devi said irritating me.

" That's fine, Zoey! We will manage, don't worry. You take care, call me after everything is fine. Okay?" Mellina asked she stood up along with Lorenzo.

This guy what the hell does he has in him?

" Yeah, Thank you! Take care Muffin, Angel you too!" Saying this his kissed Mellina's forehead and Angel's cheeks.

Go to hell man! Muffin? Really?

And a cheek kiss for Angel and a forehead kiss for Mellina?

And that clever young lady didn't discern it.

( As if he kissed your girlfriend! ) Bakka mocked.

" I am sorry, muffin!" He apologized.

Call her muffin once more and you will die in my hands!

( Why do you care?) Now Devi asked.

Devi, you must be on my side?!

" It's okay, Zoey! Get going..." She assured him.

" Mr. Parker..."

" Don't worry, I can take care of them!" I faked a smile but actually, I wanted to glare at him.

" Thank you!" Lorenzo said genuinely before running off.


" What were you guys doing here?" Angel asked as she sipped Mellina's milkshake.

Yeah! I was wondering the same.

Mellina snatched it from her.

" What you were doing!" She answered.

" I thought, I was the only one who gets answered like this!" Like really? She could have given a simple answer but she is The great Ordinary Player Mellina right?

Ugh! This shades I wanna throw them somewhere.

" Don't remove your shades, everyone has cameras!" Mellina warned.

I didn't argue back, I know what she said was true.

So I slid back my shades.

" You guys just ignored me!" I huffed.

I blurted it unintentionally.

" Awww! Ryan, I saw him after many days, yesterday when he came home I was already asleep so I couldn't see him. We are sorry if you felt like that!" Angel apologized.


But, that Mellina she did not even apologize!

" I am going home, do whatever you guys need!" Saying this she stood up to leave.

" No, I want to buy some things. So you will accompany us!" I ordered and smiled at Angel.

" Why do you think I would accompany you?"

" Because you should! Remember whom you are working?"

She sighed in defeat.

" What do you want to buy?" She asked.

Ryan! You are stupid, you should have thought about it earlier.

What are you going to buy?

" Uh! Ah... Uh... I want to buy..."