Envy them


" Ahh! You bitch!" Melissa kicked the girl to the floor, who was massaging her foot.

She was doing her job but Melissa wasn't satisfied.

" I am sorry!" The girl apologized.

" I am The Melissa Roselyn Ritz, I don't like imperfections. Get the f*ck out of here!" She yelled and kicked her again.

That's when her uncle Seth entered the room.

" I talked with Felicia, she is expecting you there!" Seth said to Melissa.

" Haha! Let her wait, we planned for a party next month. So, I will try to go after that..." Melissa said nonchalantly.

" Don't be so careless Melissa, what will happen if he finds a girl for himself? Everything will go in vain!" Seth asked his niece who was chatting with her f*ck buddies.

" He won't! Even if he wants to find one, Felicia wouldn't leave him to get her. So, you don't have to worry!" There was nonchalance in everything she did.

" How can you be so sure?" Seth asked, getting irritated with her nonchalance!

" I am sure! Because I have Felicia in my hands. She wouldn't let him because she wants this Melissa as her Daughter in law. She can go to any extent to get what she wants. Whoever comes in myway I don't wanna care about it because she will finish them even before I know it!" She said with a smirk.

" But I have a gut feeling that you should go there!" Seth said.

" I don't want you to lecture me, I know what I am doing!" Saying this, she stood up.

" Ms. Ritz, don't forget who I am! " He said in anger.

" Don't forget who am I!" Saying this, she walked to her walk-in closet to get ready for the party.

" Don't you think you are being too negligent?" Seth asked.

" I don't think, I am! Even if I am I don't care! I know how to make him mine, so don't worry!" She said and closed the door on his face symbolizing that the conversation ended.


" Umm... Ah... Yeah! I want to buy socks?" I said stupidly.

Yeah, I know I answered stupidly when she raised her eyebrows.

Mellina raised her eyebrows, Angel went to buy her milkshake.

Thank god she went or else I would be looking like a fool in front of her.

" You have tons of shocks and aren't they sponsored by Styka?"

My god! She questions perfectly at the perfectly wrong time.

( Perks of being intelligent! Which absolutely you aren't, the top floor in your building (body) is empty!) Bakka said.

Topmost floor? I have hair Bakka, that's the topmost floor so don't worry I am not bald!

( Sigh! That's terrace Ryan, your top floor will have a part called brain I doubt you have that!) This time it was Devi, he is a traitor.

Shutup! I yelled and listened to what Mellina was speaking.

" I am not stupid Mr... Ryan!" She stopped in middle remembering my threat.

Okay, she has the fear of me. Hehe!

" Then what I am stupid?" I tried to scare with my fake anger.

Okay, Note *Tried*

" Yes, you are! What do you want?" She asked folding her hands to her chest.

" I want to buy some shirts!"

Shit, I messed it again.

" Aren't they, custom stitched?" She asked glaring at me.

I know, I am stupid! But only in front of her!

( What? Did she do any magic?) Bakka mocked.

It's just she can easily figure out my lies, just like Vivaan!

They could be siblings!

" What do you want?" She asked again as I zoned out.

I sighed in defeat!

Why does she make me stupid all the time?

( She doesn't make you stupid but you are one!)

Are they really my mind voice?

" Excuse me? Are you deaf? Ryan Ace Parker!" She asked sarcastically.

" I am sorry, I want to hang out. It's been I years enjoyed, Vivaan is too busy to have a vacation." I pouted.

Yeah, acting cute! Though I would like to act hot now the circumstance demands.

" What? Trying to act cute? It doesn't suit you!" She said.

Shit! How the hell did she know?

Ryan, you should improve your acting skills!

She was looking at me with a scrutinizing gaze.

" Okay, let's do whatever you want!" She said.

Wait! What did she say?


Do you know what I did?

I kissed her cheek and ran away from there because she looked at me with a rage of killing me.

" Hey, Angel. What can we do next? I got permission from your sis, she said we can go wherever we want!" They high-fived standing near the counter.

" What did you order for us?"

" 2 Spicy chicken burgers, 1 large fries, and chicken nuggets!" She listed the foods,

" For drinks?"

" Two chocolate milkshakes!" She grinned.

Though I am not a fan of milkshakes, why not?

Then the food arrived, we ate it moaning.

Yeah, it was amazing!

Maybe because we skipped our breakfast?


Then we went to the beach, I don't want to play and all.

But I want to see people smile, hear them laugh, watch them enjoying their life.

I want to enjoy it too, but I don't want to get caught.

Sitting there silently, watching them wouldn't bother them. But if I want to go play with them, it will lead to havoc.

So it's better I sit and enjoy seeing them enjoying.

I released a sigh, it relieved something that was weighing in my chest.

I was not destined to have a happy life!

I am not jealous but I envy them, at least let them have a good life.

Angel went to play around. But not in the water she was playing just a few feet away from us. Mellina is sitting near me with a smile seeing Angel building a sandcastle.

Is she happy?

I don't know! But I want her to be happy, don't ask me why because I don't have an answer.

Maybe because she saw my vulnerability and didn't mock me?

Or maybe because she cares about me?

I don't know! I just want her to be happy.

I didn't know I was staring at her, I realized that only when she turned towards me and...