Chapter 4: Meeting

Today, I am officially meeting my friend.

I'm not nervous at all, I had plenty of friends and social interactions.

Who am I kidding? I had no friends, I was busy eliminating cursed spirits that tried to pass the barrier. I was nervous, my mother seeing my worried face,

"It's okay. You guys will get along, she's a cute girl too. Ah, they're here." said my mother.

The door revealed a black haired girl, red eyes, and the height about 4'2, an inch taller than me. Next to her revealed a woman with black hair, brown eyes. and a slender body.

"Welcome Yomi! It's been a while hasn't it? You've gotten quite busy and famous, I didn't know whether you were going to answer or not." said my mother.

"Kasumi! It's been 4 years after all, meet my daughter. She can be quite a brat." said Yomi.

My mother and Yomi hugged and started talking about certain things.

The girl with the woman started walking towards me and had a smug look on her face.

"I'm Misery Tokisaki! I'm going to be the strongest hero there is!" she said proudly.

Looking at her dumbfounded, "You're going to be the strongest...?" I asked with a little doubt on my last words.

"Yep, with my quirk I'm going to be the strongest." said Misery.

"I'm Kazumi Gojo. Please call me Kazumi and nice to meet you." I said.

"Then you can call me Misery, you're house is pretty nice."

Looking around, I never really paid attention to the interior of the house. It was a regular house, a living room when you walk into the house, the kitchen was a little bit further to the left. Further right, there was another living room with sofas, couches, and a TV. To the left was a hallway to our 3 rooms, there were 3 rooms, mines was the furthest in, my mother took the first room, and the second room was a room full of books, toys, and a gaming consoles. Though I never really used it, there was also a bathroom in between my parents and my room. We had a pretty big backyard, it was enough to do training.

We entered my room and the first thing we talked about was our quirks.

"What quirk do you have Misery?" I asked.

"My quirk is a time manipulation quirk, I call it Zafkiel. With my flintlock pistol that has special bullets, I can use different abilities because of the bullet. I can't do a lot of abilities yet but I can do 2, if I do both of them it takes up spiritual power. What about your abilities?" asked Misery.

It seems like I found someone that also has the potential to become to strongest, I grinned in my mind.

"My quirk is an ocular ability, I call it Six Eyes. It can perceives everything in detail and gain the information. It also has an ability called Limitless, I can create an infinite space between me and an object but I can't do it for long since I get tired. And also I'm the one who'll become the strongest, not you." I said.

"Nope, I will! How old are you?" asked Misery.

"I'm 4 years old." I replied.

"Ha! I'm 5, a year older than you. That makes you my underling." she said grinning widely.

"Nope it doesn't matter what age you are, I'm stronger so you're my underling!" I said.

"Nope, I'm stronger!" she replied.

"Nope I am!" I said.

This went on until we both ran out of breath.

"Fine, let's perform one of our abilities and see which one is stronger. We'll settle who's stronger by that." she suggested.

"Fine by me since I'm stronger. You first." I said.

She activated her quirk and her left eye turned into a clock, a flintlock pistol appeared in her hand. She pointed the tip of the gun to her forehead and said,

[First Bullet: Aleph]

, and clicked the gun. Suprisingly no sound came out besides a click.

"Watch this." she said before bursting out the room.

"The first bullet I can accelerate the time of its target, so I shot it at myself to make myself faster! Cool right?" she said while coming back into my room.

"That is a strong ability, but watch this." I said while utilizing my Six Eyes and said.


"Now try to touch me." she said.

She was confused by what I said but she tried touching my hand and her eyes widened in surprised when she couldn't touch me.

"Why can't I touch you? What did you do?" she said bombing me with questions.

"Alright let me explain, my ability Limitless comes from my Six Eyes. Limitless is an ability where I can make an infinite amount of space between me and an object. Even your bullets can't touch me, but it takes up a lot of my energy so I can't last that long with it. See? I'm stronger because my ability is stronger." I said deactivating it. The longest I can maintain it is 2 minutes or so, which is pretty amazing for a 4 year old.

"Hmpf, too bad. I'm stronger because my older." she said pouting.

"Honey, we have to leave now. We still have things to do." Yomi said interrupting us.

"Okay mom, wait for me at the door. I want to say something to her!" said Misery.

"Alright but don't take too long." said Yomi.

I was confused since I don't know what else she had to say.

"From today and from now on, we are rivals to become the strongest! Rivals and friends!" she said but a little quieter on the last line.

I smiled, it was the first time I had a rival that could really compete against me.

"Sure and let's make a bet." I said.

"A bet?" she looks at me confused.

"Whoever is stronger after graduating high school has to do anything the winner chooses." I said.

She hesitated for a second before replying, "Sure, since I'm going to be stronger anyways! Anyways bye! I have to leave or my mom will get mad, see you next time." she said with a smile.

"See you next time." I replied with a smile.

My first genuine friend was also my first rival.

I looked at the time and it was almost 2 in the afternoon and they came at around 11. It was almost time for swordsmanship training. I almost forgot to train because of all the fun.

I had training monday to saturday, my mom would train me from 2-4 while my dad trains me from 4-7. Sundays are the only day I get a bit of rest, it was kind of sad.

I had fun today though, now let's get to training.