Chapter 5: Cursed Technique

It's been 2 months since I met Misery, she had trained to the point where she can use up to the third bullet without collapsing due to tiredness.

"Did you finish completing your technique?" asked Misery who was sprawled onto my bed.

"Yep, let's go to the backyard to test it out." I said.

Making our way to the backyard, I held out a finger.

'Watch this." I said.

A black sphere appeared in top of my finger, I walked up to a tree that was there for no particular reason, and pressed my black sphere against it.

In a blink of an eye, top half of the tree had disappeared.

Turning it off, I walked to Misery who had her eyes widened in shock.

"What was that? What did you do?" asked Misery.

"It's my technique that comes from Limitless, I call it Cursed Technique Lapse: Kuro. It creates a crack in space, attracting mass, and infinitely adds mass to an object making the object explode into nothingness. I still have another technique, but I'm not ready for that yet." I explained.

"Crack in space? Attract mass? Infinitely adds mass? Object explode into nothingness?" she asked clearly confused.

"You'll understand when you grow up." I said patting her hair.

"Don't pat me! I'm older and taller than you still!" Misery complained.

"You're only an inch taller than me, I'm 4'2 and you're 4'3. You're also only a year older than me and I'm stronger so it doesn't matter." I said.

"Nope, I'm stronger." she said.

I mentally sighed, knowing if I continued it would go on for hours.

"Whatever, let's get to training." I said.

"Haiii!~" she said.

I started sparring with Misery ever since she started coming over on a daily basis. We became best friends which was my first time, can't help it. We sparred against each other until we both would collapse. With each battle, we would get stronger.

Her spiritual energy had increased and so did my curse energy. I was able to use my reverse healing technique nearly to the max since I would always need it. We trained in martial arts, quirks, and even weapons. Due to Misery's frail-like body, we had to do a month of physical training in order for her to properly use weapons and use martial arts.

She was a fighting genius, so was I. Her flintlock accuracy was pretty scary, she won all of the prizes when we went to a amusement park with our parents once. It was my first time going to an amusement park so I naturally didn't know what to expect. I liked the ferris wheel because it was quite calming but it was ruined when I saw a green hair boy getting yelled at by a spiky blonde hair boy. I had to urge to tell Misery to activate her quirk and shoot them but using quirks in public was prohibited. The law saves you two but I will forever hunt you down.

That day the 2 boys felt shivers down their spine.

I had been able to utilize Six Eyes to bring out Limitless to it's full potential pretty well. Of course I had a blindfold on at all times but this time it was white but I didn't mind. I was able to maintain Limitless for about 15 minutes before running out of cursed energy and before my brain started to fry.

I was strong for a 4 year old.

I was mature until it came to my mother.

I even had trouble separating myself from my mom, I mean she was simply too warm and comfortable. Who could blame me? And my dad, he would train me in martial arts and physical training but when it came to affection, mom was there so he wasn't needed. Sorry dad.

Back on topic, I was able use Kuro to it's full potential but it would deplete half of my cursed energy. It was the same from my past life but I was able to contain an infinite amount of cursed energy that was in a space placed in my cursed spirit core. I wasn't able to do it now since my body would explode.

Finishing our spar, we were taking a bath together. I didn't like this or dislike this, she would always splash water at me making my hair a mess.

"Kazumi! Let me wash your hair." said Misery.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because it's pretty and smooth!" said Misery.

"Do whatever you want." I was simply too tired to care.

The night came pretty quickly, Misery had already left and me and mother were the only ones home. Dad was out late with work so this was my chance. I went to my mother's room and knocked on the door.

"Mom, can I come in?" I asked.

"Of course dear." replied my mother.

I smiled, I had won. I opened my door and there revealed my mother sleeping peacefully on the bed. I climbed in onto her bed and snuck into her arms.

"When will you ever grow up Kazumi? Doting on your mother." my mother said smiling.

"Never, I love my mom the most that's why!" I said smiling.

I closed my eyes and my mind started to wander, when will I get my abilities back? How long will it take? What'll happen in the future?

All my thoughts came to an end when I was filled with warmth once more. Drifting to sleep.

Unknowingly to her, an arrow struck through her mother's heart and it filled her mother with warmth and pulled her daughter closer.

Everything was fine, it was fine until that day came.