A month quickly passed and it's already my birthday.
"HAHA WAKE UP KAZUMI!" yelled Bakugo. Still egoistic but not as bad.
"Goodmorning Kazumi." said Izuku trying to calm down Bakugo.
"Hehe! Happy 6th Birthday Kazumi!" said Misery jumping on top of me.
"Ugh, can't I have some peace?" I asked in a tired voice.
"Of course not, let's go fight! You need to do something fun for your birthday anyways." said Bakugo.
"Seriously all you think about is fighting, why don't you just relax for once and see how nice it is?" I asked.
"Well can't help it, after all Kazumi. You're stronger than all of us combined." said Misery.
"Who cares about that? Why can't you guys be like Izuku and relax? You guys are a pain and get off me you're heavy." I said.
"Hmpf." pouted Misery.
"Kazumi get up! Go out with you friends since it's your birthday. All you've been doing the same thing for a whole month, you're sleeping too much." said my mother from the living room.
Well I can't help it, I needed sleep to recover faster. I've been training my Six Eyes and trying to make it reach to it's max potential as soon as possible.
"Fine, get me my blindfold." I groaned putting on my blindfold.
"Why do you even wear that anyways?" asked Bakugo.
"Because my eyes are too good." I replied.
"Now leave the room, I have to change after all." I said pushing them out the door.
I put on a white hoodie over my black T-shirt, I put on black pants, and fixed my hair. Somehow I would always get mismatched clothing without realizing it. It started when my little sister's hair was black with her brown eyes. When she grows up, she certainly won't look like she's my little sister.
I walked out of my room and headed to the living room where everyone was waiting.
"Now then, shall we go?" I asked walking to the door.
"Yeah!" said all 3 of them.
"Bye mom!" I yelled.
"Come back before sunset!" my mother yelled back.
Yep, I'll remember this time.
Walking down the streets, the 3 kids were bickering about something I'd rather not know. It was not worth my brain but Misery really fitted in with her funny and cheerful personality. Well, I'm the only one that's sane here since Izuku sometimes join their bickering. A loud bunch.
Soon, we arrived at the playground we always played at. We would do mostly anything, we would even fight too. It was fun being a 6 year old playing at a playground on my birthday.
"Hey Kazumi, can you use one of your quirk abilities?" asked Izuku pulling out his notebook. Where did he even pull it out from?
"Yeah! I want to see to since I've never seen one of your abilities!" said Bakugo.
Looking over at Misery, she nodded. Sighing, I groaned a fine.
[Cursed Technique Lapse: Kuro]
I shot a black sphere at the slides and I realized my mistake.
It was too late, it wiped out the playground leaving only the sandy ground remaining.
"Uh, my bad?" I said.
"What? It was an accident." I said.
"I see, I don't even know what you just did." said Izuku putting away his notebook.
"Kazumi, control yourself." said Misery.
"For the first time, I agree." said Bakugo.
"Seriously? I wasn't even trying to do that and you guys are blaming me?" I asked.
"Well, who wiped out the playground we played at? Soon the news will spread about a playground suddenly disappeared, let's head back. It's almost sunset anyways." said Misery.
I didn't even realize time passed quickly, if it wasn't for Misery I would've died when I got back home. I silently thanked Misery in my mind.
Arriving at home, I was greeted by a loud happy birthday from my parents, Yomi, and different people. I was too surprised to care about that. The entire house was decorated and there was a huge cake on the counter. I see, this is what a birthday party was.
"Thank you!" I said happily.
The party consisted of me eating cake and laughing with everybody. Time sure passes quick when you're having fun.
I was currently in the bath resting since I was tired from all the noise. The cake was delicious, I wouldn't mind eating another one.
I got gifts too, most of them were toys I didn't bother using but one caught my eye. It was from my mother, it consisted of a necklace with a half moon hanging at the end. A silver one too, it matched me too well. I waited to put it on after I got out the bath.
But after drying my hair, I put on the necklace. It looked great on me, too good actually. My mother knew me too well, I would always gaze at the moon since it fascinated me.
Soon, I fell asleep with a grin on my face.
Life's amazing.