Troublesome, is all I could say.
I was in a mall with my butler who left me here. I'm 4'5 and just turned 6, I was told to buy stuff for myself. Yet I don't know what I wanted, a new blindfold? That would be nice but I'm fine with the one I had right now.
I was surrounded by people, I was even asked if I lost my parents. Alright, let's buy stuff for the future. What would I need in the future? Blindfold, all-black high-necked jacket with matching pants, and dark dress boots. Yeah I didn't need that yet.
I was walking through the store and suddenly my butler appeared beside me.
"Alfred, why can't you just stand beside me?" I asked.
"Too much attention is drawn to you." He said.
I mean, a silver haired girl walking perfectly fine with a blindfold on was definitely normal.
"Whatever, let's keep walking around." I said.
The stores had some nice stuff, I even bought a few clothes too. Just as I was about to leave, I spotted sunglasses. Making my way towards the store with my butler beside me who paid for everything, he even was able to get some discounts.
I was walking through through the sections and spotted the round black sunglasses. It was perfect to protect my eyes if I ever wanted to go out.
"Alfred, let's buy this and then we're done." I said.
"Alright." said Alfred.
I wonder what his quirk was though, he could disappear and reappear the next moment. I wondered if his ability was invisibility but I would be able to see him, after all being invisible doesn't make your footsteps invisible.
Finishing up, I put the sunglasses in my bag that I carrier which had the things I bought in it. Alfred had things we needed for my little sister.
"Alfred, what's your quirk?" I asked.
"I'm quirkless." he said.
"Eh?" I looked at him confused.
"Yeah I am." He said.
He was not joking, that was unexpected. Now that I think about it, he does seem a little different from people with quirk. He being quirkless makes sence for his lack of presence, that does make sense.
"I see, now let's get going. Wouldn't want mother to get mad at me." I said.
Just as I said that, a car suddenly flew down the middle of the road colliding with other cars. Another troublesome thing, today must be a bad day. I didn't pay it any mind until I saw a yellow haired muscular man appear.
"I'M HERE!" yelled the yellow haired man
"All Might!" the people screamed.
He's All Might? I looked at him all sorts of information entered my mind. He was strong but was slowly weakening. His stomach was almost gone and his respiratory system was beyond repair. His quirk gave him the body, it wasn't his true form. I had a little respect for him for holding on for that long, anyone else would've died.
Now that I had a good look at him, it was time to leave. After all, nothing could touch me as long as I had Boundless on. Alfred would be fine since I had him in my sight, I'm not going to bother with this.
We arrived home and was greeted with a hug from my mother.
"Mom? What happened?"I asked.
"I saw you on the news! There was a villain attack at the mall right?" my mother asked with a worried expression.
"It's alright I didn't get involved. All Might was there so we were fine." I said reassuring my mom.
"What if he wasn't there? I heard the villain was strong and ran away before getting captured. Don't go near that place since something else could've happen?" my mother said.
"Didn't you send me there?" I asked with a duh voice.
"Oh right. Well forget that, did you get anything you wanted?" she asked.
I showed her the things I bought which consisted of a pair of sunglasses and clothes that I needed. Alfred's bag had stuff for the baby and groceries to cook food.
Sunset arrived and dinner was served. I couldn't help but look at Azumi's funny eating expressions and giggled.
"Kazumi, you should eat your own food instead of staring. It's rude." said my mother.
"Yes." I replied.
"So, what do you think of All Might?" my father asked.
I was caught off guard by that statement and nearly choked on my food.
"Well I think he's strong but he's getting weaker. That injury of his will soon cripple him." I said.
"You knew?" asked my father.
"Of course, my eyes told me everything in a glance." I replied.
"I see, the next generation which consists of you will soon have to get stronger." said my father.
"Not again, I don't want to keep training." I whined.
"Too bad Kazumi, what if a villain that's stronger than you attacks you?" asked my mother.
"Fine." I groaned.
Cleaning up, I head to bed.
Staring at the white ceiling, I wonder what would happen if I was attacked and wasn't strong enough. Would I die fully and not reincarnate to another world? I didn't want to take chances.
Lifting up my finger, a white sphere appeared.
Soon I'll perfect this technique.