Chapter 12: Q & A ( Filler chapter )

Kazumi: Yo everyone! It's a filler chapter here with the one and only author!

Author: Hey everyone! Hold on isn't this my book?

Misery: She won't care anyways, so what are we doing?

Kazumi: I actually haven't thought of what we were going to do....

Author: Seriously? You called me over for nothing?

Kazumi: Of course not- uhm, let's do a Q and I!

Misery: So simple.

Kazumi: Shut up! It's a good game.

Author: yeah yeah, ask the question already!

Kazumi: What inspired you to write?

Author: Oh? That's an easy one, I guess there wasn't much novels or fanfictions to my liking so I decided to make my own.

Kazumi: What a trash answer.

Author: Oi!

Misery: Why yuri or GL stories?

Author: Hmm, I guess it's because I don't really like straight novels. Yuri is easier for me to write since they're the same gender.

Kazumi: Why don't you write some yaoi stories then? Teehee~

Author: Well, I'm a boy. I don't hate or like yaoi novels it's just not for me. It's like writing yourself in love with a boy soooo no thank you.

Misery: Why are you writing so many fanfictictions?

Author: To fulfill my time! I get bored quite easily so I write to take my free time.

Kazumi: Do you have any unreleased novels?

Author: oooo? I actually do have one in the making, I'm going to mass release it!

Misery: too much writing.... Can you spoil a tiny bit of it?

Author: Sure, it's going to make you depressed.

Kazumi: ...

Misery: ...

Author: What?

Kazumi: Next question! Are you happy?

Author: No

Misery: Ha! Loser! What goes through your mind when you're writing?

Author: Oh? Decent question, hmm I guess it's just I hope the chapter isn't ass

Kazumi: all your stories are ass.

Author: K let's end it there.


Hello everyone! If you really do want me to do a Q & A, just comment on the chapter and I'll make a filler chapter!