Chapter 22: Pressuring Gaze

An ominous feeling had woken me up on a school today. It was about 8 in the morning and my parents were still sleeping. They had slept late because of work today so I didn't wake them up. I went to get ready to see what was giving me this feeling, before I left the house I put up Curtain to alert me if anything happened.

I quickly teleported to the roof of a tall building in the middle of a city to give me a better view of the city. Lifting my blindfold, I decided to get to work.

[Domain Expansion: Limitless Void]

While Void Manipulation allowed me to cripple enemies and spread my space obtain information about whereabouts. Limitless Void allowed me to spread my space everywhere and mainly focused on information.This was the second to last of my domain expansion technique. With my Six Eyes and Limitless Void, it was quick to find out their whereabouts. In an alleyway, a person with with dark fog around them and the guy from the ramen place was talking.

"Shigiraki, we're being watched but I don't know where from." said Kurogiri.

"Even with your Warp quirk, you don't know?" asked Shigiraki.

"Yes, that person is fully hidden and still has their eyes on us." said Kurogiri.

I didn't doubt him since I was feeling that way as well. Like everything about us were leaked, all of our information was exposed, and we couldn't do anything to hide it. My thoughts lead to the girl with silver hair and the blindfold.

"It must be that silver haired blindfolded girl." said Shigiraki.

"Who?" asked Kurogiri.

"You'll meet her soon, let's go." said Shigiraki.

Before he used his warp gate, my eyes made contact with a girl on a tall building. Her blue eyes stared at him and he wanted to leave as badly as possible or even hide hoping his information wasn't exposed but of course his pride wouldn't allow it. He stared a little longer, sweat started to drop, and pressure was forming on his shoulders weighing him down. It felt like there was eyes all around him looking at him, but it was just one girl staring at him. He was snapped out of his trance and left when Kurogiri opened the gate.

A warp quirk that can be used as a portal and another quirk that can turn things into dust in seconds. Interesting. Checking the time, there was 15 minutes before class. I teleported back to my room and changed. I told my parents I was leaving before heading to class.

"You're not late for the first time." said Misery.

"Shut up, those days I had something to do." I replied.

My eyes came into contact with Momo's who quickly turned away leaving me a bit confused but shrugged it off.

"Class quiet down. Today we are going to decide who's going to be class president. Remember that votes are to be kept secret so write whoever you want on the piece of paper placed onto your desk and put it in this box." said Aizawa.

The final voting was me with 9 votes, Momo with 5, and Ida with 3.

"Why me?" I asked.

"Because you're smart and you have a high intellect." said Misery.

"And I use my authority as club president to put Ida as class president and Momo as vice president." I said.

They both looked at me shocked.

"Do you have a reason for that? It works but you need a reason atleast." said Aizawa.

"It's too troublesome." I said.

"Yeah, I'll accept the club president role." said Ida.

"And I'll accept the vice president role." said Momo.

"Great." I said sitting back down at my seat.

I noticed Misery was deadpanning me in the eyes.

"Yes Misery?" I asked.

"Nothing, you're just annoying." replied Misery.

What the heck did I ever do to you?

Soon it was lunch time,

"So how does it feel being the class president Ida?" I asked.

"It feels great, thank you for allowing me to have this chance." replied Ida.

"It's no problem, it doesn't fit me anyways." I said.


The alarm starts going off and the cafeteria was in chaos.


This was going to be one hell of a day..