The next day at school, the students excitement couldn't be quieted down after Aizawa's announcement.
"For today's training, we'll be doing something special. The class will be taught by 3 instructors, me, All Might, and another teacher." said Aizawa.
"What are we doing for today's training?
The class was filled with excitement after hearing that All might and another teacher would be training them. What's more was that they would be taught by the number one hero, this was a once in a lifetime experience for them.
But not for me, All Might was already weak. Something was telling me an incident was going to occur during the training.
"What're you pondering about?" asked Misery.
"Something." I replied.
"Don't be stingy and tell me already." said Misery.
"I just have a bad feeling I guess, for now let's just pay attention." I replied.
"Alright." replied Misery.
Aizawa pulled out a card and showed it to the class. The word rescue signified what we were going to be doing at the training.
"You'll be training this by experiencing this in disasters, shipwrecks, and everything related to that." said Aizawa.
There were talks between people but this didn't interest me. People would not need rescuing if they became stronger, though not everyone had a quirk that would protect them so I guess there wasn't any arguement here.
"Quiet down and let me finish. You can decide if you want to wear your costume but remember, there will be similar costumes that will limit your abilities." said Aizawa.
Costumes that would limit my abilities more than I'm limiting myself right now would be pretty interesting. I had just realized I was wearing my round and black sunglasses instead of my blindfold. I had to make sure to request for one later on.
"Also, we're going to be offcampus for the basic training so go get ready to go. The bus is waiting for us at the front." continued Aizawa.
This brought excited cheers from our classmates, even Deku and Bakugo was cheering. And just like that, some wore their costumes and some did not. Before we left, I passed a note onto Aizawa to ask him for a black blindfold. He gave me a questioning look but didn't ask.
We all hopped into the bus and Bakugo was doing stupid things, I gave him a glare and he quickly sat down in his seat and minded his own business. Some classmates gave me a surprised look but I shrugged it off. Bakugo knew I could be mean if I wanted to, he was lucky there was people here.
I was paired next to Momo who was slightly red but I didn't mind it. The bus was starting to move and I was getting sleepy since I didn't sleep that well last night.
Soon enough, my head was on someone's familiar shoulder and I drifted to sleep.
(Author POV)
Momo was panicking inside, her crush was laying her head on her shoulder and she didn't know what to do. She was smart in many different aspects but not in something like this.
She looked down at the sleeping Kazumi and couldn't help but be amazed by her beauty. Even when she was sleeping she was pretty, her sunglasses was still on which I didn't know how it stayed. It was slightly falling but luckily it didn't, if it did fall she wouldn't be able to save it.
Some boys and girls took a glance at the back of the class and couldn't help but be in awe too. How they wished to be in Momo's spot.
Soon enough, they had arrived.
Kazumi woke up and received a few looks from girls. Her blue eyes mesmerized them and they quickly looked away.
"Sorry, I didn't realize I was asleep on you." said Kazumi.
"I-it's fine, I fell asleep too." lied Momo.
How could she say that she was staring at Kazumi the entire time because she looked too pretty?
They arrived at the building and a hero known as Thirteen who had an astronaut suit on greeted them to go through numerous things.
"Floods, fires, shipwrecks, landslides, and many other things that would happen during this training. This area I created was made to stimulate all kinds of accidents and disasters so that we can be ready for any situation." said Astronaut .
She explained that quirks are not only to be used for saving people, but they can also be used for taking lives. This shocked some of the students but it was pretty obvious. Any quirk can be used to take anyone's lives and Kazumi had already done it. It was normal for her but she wouldn't hurt someone innocent.
She proceeds to explain her quirk, it was called blackhole. It was powerful, she was able to create black holes that can suck anything up and turn them into dust. This quirk can be very helpful but this can also kill people.
"Today, we'll be studying on how we are going to be using our quirks and wield it for the sake of innocent lives. No quirk in the world is evil, it's people that use their quirks for evil and create a bad image for quirks that are quite similar to that. If only they used it for good, imagine how many people that person can save." explained Thirteen
Everyone agreed except for Kazumi but she didn't say anything. She wouldn't use her abilities for good or bad, she would simply use it for herself. She had gone through many hardships in her past life and that's how her mentality had changed.
She had someone that was really close to her and used her abilities for her but was betrayed by her. That person proceeded to help cursed spirits and leak her weaknesses and her whereabouts. One day, Kazumi had enough and confronted her. They fought and of course Kazumi came out on top with her friend dying. From that day on, she swore to use her abilities for herself.
She was quickly snapped out of her trance when alarms suddenly went off.
What was happening?